7/20/04 - Tuesday
7/20/04 – Tuesday. 4 miles. 6:00pm. Sunny warm, 82 some humidity. Back down to the pond for this 4 miler. I taught class this afternoon so this run should really test my back. Running with my Iriver, fuelbelt, HR monitor and GPS, I think I must look like a dork but I am prepared. The fuelbelt was loaded up with Gatorade, and I had one GU packet b4 I left the house. Had a huge lunch hour’s b4 of risotto so I have plenty of fuel in me. Legs felt a little heavy at the start, they eased out, no back pain. Kept up a 10-10:30 pace thru out, was in the 8:00’s briefly. 4 miles a little over 40:00 minutes. Overall a good run.
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