10/23/04 - Saturday
Saturday - Overcast, cool, breezy. 13 miles. 1:00pm. This is the last of the significant long distance runs, THANK GOD! This run was actually more difficult mentally and physically than last weeks 20 miler. I started off on the track at the high school and quickly became pretty bored by the monotony... I then when out into the surrounding neighborhoods. Everything from there was down hill meaning the return trip would be mostly up hill, not something that I was looking forward to. I unfortunately made a right hand turn and headed up a never ending hill. My achilles began bothering me around 5 miles, same as last week. That was about he time I started up hill..for 2 MILES! It was a curvy road and I really thought it would crest, it took a long time. When I ended back at the high school, I was short by about 4 miles, it was not a lot of fun, between the ache and having to finish on the track it was a little like torture. The next 2 weeks I will not run more than 5 miles at a time and spend the rest trying to figure out how to get thru with my achilles. Thankfully soon I will not have to write nor will anybody have to read about my tedious list of injuries. I am still praying for a sunny and warmer (not hot) than normal day out on race day, for if I don't enjoy the race I will at least enjoy the weather.
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