Sunday, September 26, 2004

9/26/04 - Sunday

Sunday - Sunny, 82 degrees. 1:30pm. 10 miles. I have really had pretty good weather since I started training, today was no different. A new venue for this go round. Karen and I drove down to our old stomping grounds: Rockland Lake! karen dropped me off. It was nice to once again to run the 3 mile scenic circle. I ran the lake twice for 6 miles (starting at the duck parking lot) then onto the ring road around then past the firehouse down the hill and to Nyack Beach. This route gave me 10.5 miles. I ran into Karen with about .25 left, at this point I was run/walking since my 10 miles were already over. I did try something different, I ran one mile and then would walk briskly for one minute, also I tryed to stay on the soft surface parellel to the asphalt path. Not sure if this made a difference but my knees today feel much better than they usually do after a long run. I also spent some time walking around Nyack after and maybe that also helped. From here on in I will do that since it apparently made some sort of a difference. Once again my darling Karen met me and had some drink and food for me. Hopefully she is reading this and realizes how important her support has been thru my training (I picked a real good one or she picked me, can't remember). Side note, I did have a tiny little hang over from the wedding the night b4. Also first time with new heel pad in my Reeboks.


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