11/4/04 - Thursday
Thursday - not a whole lot of significant running going on.. so I figured I would do a blog entry on just thoughts. Went to the Marathon EXPO last night with Karen, got lots of freebies from vendors as well as spending far too much money on NYC Marathon shirts and souveniers. It was exciting picking up my number (22183) and chip it put an absolute sense of reality into the event. Having people talk to you about the race as well as wishing you a good run made you feel like you were part of somethng special. I have a lot of nervous excitement goinmg on... as race day aproches it seems the weather is going to cooporate be in the upper 50's with some sun (fingers firmly crossed) so I am excited at that prospect too. Well it should be a great day and a lot of fun.. never in my life did I think I would be doing this but I am... and in the training I learned alot about myself my limitations and how to push thru things. Next entry will be after the race hopefully I'll have nice things to say and report.
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