Friday, July 30, 2004

7/29/04 - Thursday

Thursday – 4:00pm. Mid 80’s sunny 4 miles. Physically felling well, the back has not been adversly affected by the running so far. Kept close by again today, same route as the last time out. Legs felt as if I had 2 twenty pound turkeys strapped to my legs. After about a mile everything loosened up and I felt very machine like.. running smooth and free. That kept up for the rest of the run. I opened it up for as sprint towards the end, that felt real good since I haven’t done that since the 10K in June. My pace still a little quick but comfortable (9:45). One GU pack water a n GU2O in my fuelbelt… being diligent with consumeing liquid every 15 minutes. Completed in just under 40:00.


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