Saturday, July 31, 2004

7/31/04 - Saturday

Saturday - 70 cloudy. Humid. 5 miles. Drank OJ had a yogurt and one GU pack. Longest of the runs so far, really no big deal have done 5 miles b4. Carlos came down to the pond with me convinced him to run slower. After a 1/4 mile slow warm up off we went... I took the longer route he took the shorter. I started out way to quickly and it did not feel good. Slowing up made me feel much better (duh). As I came back onto the main trail I met up with Carlito again, happy to see him keeping a decent pace and not sucking wind. I settled into a decent pace of 9:30-10:30, I have resigned myself to running a little faster on these shorter runs.. I still feel good cardio wise, and will definitely slow down on the longer runs. Did a brief .3 mile sprint at the end felt good. Very sweaty today but I think I stayed pretty hydrated. Well another week down 14 to go! 16 miles this week.


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