Saturday, August 28, 2004

8/28/04 - Saturday

Saturday - Sunny. 70's. Humid. 8:00am. 8 miles. Going to today's run I knew my little bout with knee pain from Thursday was in the back of my mind. So off I headed fro Lake Hill farms. I did not eat breakfast.. drank some water and GU20O sucked down a GU pack and went out. 3 miles in I started to get hungry and started worrying about light headedness whci usually accompanies the grumbly in my tumbly. At the 45 minute mark I had another GU pack.. can't tell you how good that tasted. It did the trick though as I started feeling better and it took me thru the rest of the the run. Overall it went well and my new personal distance record of 8 miles was over with in 1h 18m. Next weekend another PB of 10 miles!


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